
Meaning of தானியங்கு in Tamil

  • தானியங்கு

English usage of தானியங்கு

  • Further, the Orthodox tradition, with its autocephalous churches and sufficiently full agreement in doctrine, presents an alternative to centralized authority.
  • Environmentalists tended to characterise Aboriginal Australians as icons of true belonging, role models, holders of superior spiritual knowledge, the real autochthons .
  • industry is investing in automating production
  • industry is investing in automating production
  • the need to refresh automatized forms of literature
  • There are shopping malls as hideous as any in Orange County, and an autoroute , the A63, that rumbles with trucks headed north from Spain.

Antonyms of ‘தானியங்கு

    ஒரு புத்தகத்தைப் படியுங்கள்