Meaning of خاموشی in Tamil
- பிறழ்வு
- அமைதி
- அமைதியானது
- அமைதிகள்
- ம .னம்
- இன்னும்
- அமைதியாக
- அமைதியற்ற
Meaning of خاموشی in English
English usage of خاموشی
- there are ways of quieting kids down
- The interaction between Buddhism and Taoism gave rise to the Ch'an school of contemplative quietism which developed into Japanese Zen.
- The interaction between Buddhism and Taoism gave rise to the Ch'an school of contemplative quietism which developed into Japanese Zen.
- a voice disturbed the quietness of the night
- the team's performance silenced their critics
- the team's performance silenced their critics
- absolute stillness greeted our gaze
- the din in the hall stilled
- the production company has tacitly encouraged the Internet phenomenon of fan films
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