Meaning of خرافات in Tamil
- தசைகளைப் பற்றிய ஆய்வு
- புராணவாதம்
- புராணம்
- புராணக்கதை
- புராணத்தன்மை
- புராணமயமாக்கல்
- கட்டுக்கதை
- புராணங்கள்
- புராணக் கதை
- புராணவியல்
- கட்டுக்கதைகள்
Meaning of خرافات in English
English usage of خرافات
- That finding is consistent with the distinctive osteology and myology of their hindlimbs and with their hunting behavior.
- the figure of Jesus had been mythicized by the religious imagination of the early Christians
- In terms of art production, the period of mythography is characterized by a return to romantic pictorialism and by monumental propaganda.
- a book discussing Jewish and Christian mythologies
- a book discussing Jewish and Christian mythologies
- Much of the traditional Arthurian mythos has simply been left out.
- he wants to dispel the myth that sea kayaking is too risky or too strenuous
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