
Meaning of خود in Tamil

  • தன்னை
  • தன்னியக்க
  • அவரே
  • நானே
  • நாமே
  • சொந்த வழி
  • இடுப்புகள்
  • சுய
  • செல்வ்ஸ்
  • தங்களை
  • நீங்களே
  • நம்மை

English usage of خود

  • Jo made herself a cup of tea
  • he ought to be ashamed of himself
  • he keeps hisself to hisself
  • wisteria was tumbling over itself
  • I strolled around, muttering to myself
  • resolves that one makes to oneself
  • this is our affair—we deal with it ourself
  • for this we can only blame ourselves
  • He lived only ten weeks after his diagnosis, the disease having already metastasized to his spine and bony pelvis , femur, skull, and tibia.
  • guilt can be turned against the self
  • he was standing in the selfsame spot you're filling now
  • our alienation from our true selves
  • countries unable to look after themselves
  • thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself

Antonyms of ‘خود

Articles Related to ‘خود

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