
Meaning of غذائیت in Tamil

  • பெருமூளை
  • டிட்ரிஷன்
  • எண்டெமிசம்
  • ஊட்டச்சத்து குறைபாடு
  • மக்காடமைஸ்
  • உணவு
  • பொறுப்பற்றவை
  • ஊட்டச்சத்து
  • ஊட்டச்சத்துக்கள்
  • சத்தான தன்மை
  • கொட்டைகள்
  • ஆஸ்டால்ஜியா
  • அதிகப்படியான
  • அதிகப்படியான நீட்டிப்பு
  • தனுசு
  • வணக்கம்
  • பூஜ்ஜியம்

English usage of غذائیت

  • I think sometimes the stereotype of the theologian as all cerebration and no affectivity is accurate-not always by any means, thank God, but sometimes it is true.
  • Accurate reproduction of shadow masks is achieved with minimized detrition of the tooling.
  • This, the speaker thought, was explainable on various grounds not necessary to enter into now at large, chiefly innutrition and bad hygienic surroundings, induced by straitened circumstances.
  • macadamized roads
  • the horse showed serious signs of malnourishment
  • nearly 67% of the country's population suffers from malnutrition
  • A South American rodent, the nutria escaped or was released into the wild from pens.
  • he took the Bible for spiritual nutriment
  • he took the Bible for spiritual nutriment
  • a guide to good nutrition
  • the financial crisis was precipitated by an overextension of credit
  • getting essential vitamins and minerals on the menu for all children is key to reducing undernutrition

Antonyms of ‘غذائیت

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