Meaning of فرش in Tamil
- தரை
- தளம்
- தளங்கள்
- தரையையும்
- மாடிகள்
- நடைபாதை
- நடைபாதைகள்
Meaning of فرش in English
English usage of فرش
- a stone-floored building
- a stone-floored building
- Other types of tiled floorings or even wooden flooring can have a direct effect on the surface because of the expansion and contraction of the flooring material.
- Other types of tiled floorings or even wooden flooring can have a direct effect on the surface because of the expansion and contraction of the flooring material.
- a stone-floored building
- A common demand by the residents of the Lake Area is that the pavement around the monument be cleared of encroachments and hawkers.
- A common demand by the residents of the Lake Area is that the pavement around the monument be cleared of encroachments and hawkers.
Articles Related to ‘فرش’
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