Meaning of فطرت in Tamil
- இணைத்தன்மை
- கியூரியோ
- மனநிலை
- அகச்சிவப்பு
- இயல்பற்ற தன்மை
- இயற்கைக்கு மாறானது
- இயல்புகள்
- இயல்பான தன்மை
- நேட்டேஷன்
- நடடோர்ஸ்
- பூர்வீகம்
- இயற்கை
- இயற்கையானது
- முன்கூட்டிய தன்மை
Meaning of فطرت in English
English usage of فطرت
- they had such fun over the wonderful box of curios that Jack had sent from India
- your sunny disposition has a way of rubbing off on those around you
- in spite of falling natality, the population as a whole went up
- in spite of falling natality, the population as a whole went up
- And natation , swimming, comes from natare… natatum; ‘nation’ as an alternative, along the lines of ‘dilation,’ would obviously be wrong.
- the breathtaking beauty of nature
- a good-natured man
- the breathtaking beauty of nature
- Nudism and naturism are often used synonymously.
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