Meaning of قیاس in Tamil
- அனுமானம்
- அனுமானமாக
- அனுமானிக்கப்பட்டது
- அனுமானங்கள்
- முன்கூட்டியே
- விவரக்குறிப்பு
- ஊகம்
- கூறப்படுகிறது
- கருதுகோள்
- கருதுகோள்கள்
- உண்மையல்லாத
- உத்தேசமான
Meaning of قیاس in English
English usage of قیاس
- many conjectured that the jury could not agree
- many conjectured that the jury could not agree
- many conjectured that the jury could not agree
- advanced organisms like fish take thousands of years to speciate
- there has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit
- there were rumors of a rift between him and his colleagues, supposedly because they were jealous of his relationship with the Duchess
- they were working on the supposition that his death was murder
- they were working on the supposition that his death was murder
- the supposititious heir to the throne
Articles Related to ‘قیاس’
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