Meaning of لچکدار in Tamil
- மீள்
- நெகிழ்ச்சி
- என்கி
- நெகிழ்வு
- நெகிழ்வான
- நெகிழ்வு இல்லாத
- லிச்சினஸ்
- ஆடம்பரமான
- சுவையானது
- தவறானது
- நெகிழக்கூடிய
- மீட்டெடுக்கப்பட்டது
- உறுதியற்றது
- பிரிக்கப்படாத
- விப்பி
Meaning of لچکدار in English
English usage of لچکدار
- The separation between these two kinds of world is not a division into two parts set in isolation from one another but more like a stretching of an elastic material in two directions.
- an elasticized waistband
- an elasticized waistband
- an elasticized waistband
- she saw him flex his ankle and wince
- flexible rubber seals
- the serpent's flexile body
- she saw him flex his ankle and wince
- Printing on aluminum foil can be accomplished by any commercial process, including rotogravure, flexography , lithography, and letterpress.
- he put an arm around her flexuous waist
- a very palatable local red wine
- quality leather is pliable and will not crack
- babies are generally far more resilient than new parents realize
- new growths of whippy sapling twigs
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