Meaning of مثال in Tamil
- முட்டை
- உதாரணமாக
- எடுத்துக்காட்டு
- முன்மாதிரி
- எடுத்துக்காட்டுகள்
- விளக்கம்
- விளக்கப்படம்
- தூண்டல்
- உவமை
- முன்கூட்டியே
- முன்னோடி
- முன்னுதாரணங்கள்
- முன்னுரிமை
- பைரோனிசம்
- ஒற்றுமை
Meaning of مثال in English
English usage of مثال
- it's a good example of how European action can produce results
- he became the leading exemplar of conservative philosophy
- In keeping with his preface to the story, Dioneo's summing up seems deliberately to discourage any reading of the story as an exemplum , much less as a model for relationships between men and women.
- an illustration of a yacht
- the search finds every instance where the word appears
- a modern-day parable
- breaking with all precedent
- breaking with all precedent
- Sextus is a key source of our knowledge of Pyrrhonism and is also said to have been a physician.
- there is a striking similitude between the brother and sister
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