Meaning of نم in Tamil
- ஈரமான
- ஈரப்படுத்தப்பட்டது
- தணிக்கவும்
- அணைகள்
- ஈரப்பதம்
- ஈரப்பதமற்ற
- நிம்
English usage of نم
- shame gave a damp to her triumph
- damp a small area with water
- the fine rain dampened her face
- another damper on reactor development was the problem of safeguards
- her hair was still damp from the shower
- shame gave a damp to her triumph
- the air was moist and heavy
- the air was moist and heavy
- the air was moist and heavy
- Also at high school a friend of his father gave him a mechanical device with switching circuits that could play nim and other games.
எழுத்துக்களின் மூலம் மற்ற வார்த்தைகளைப் பாருங்கள்
ஒரு புத்தகத்தைப் படியுங்கள்