Meaning of گرمی in Tamil
- பின் வெப்பம்
- வாயு வெளிச்சம்
- வெப்பம்
- வெப்பநிலை
- பிறப்பு
- ஜாதி
- புறஜாதி
- ஹீஜிங்
- ஒளிரும் தன்மை
- மீண்டும் சூடாக்குகிறது
- கோடைக்காலம்
- சூப்பர் ஹீட்
- அரவணைப்பு
Meaning of گرمی in English
English usage of گرمی
- it is sensitive to both heat and cold
- it is sensitive to both heat and cold
- though it was quite as hot in the tent as in the house it was a very different sort of hotness
- though it was quite as hot in the tent as in the house it was a very different sort of hotness
- reheat the soup and pour it into a heated tureen
- Mold conditions, pouring rate, and other process variables being equal, the fluidity of commercial gray irons depends primarily on the amount of superheat above the freezing temperature (liquidus).
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