
Meaning of گندم in Tamil

  • கோதுமை
  • கோதுமைகள்

Meaning of گندم in English

English usage of گندم

  • Other Iron Age crops included the more ancient emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum, which was grown on light soils), bread wheat , oats, rye, peas, Celtic beans, and flax.
  • a wheaten loaf
  • A bluebunch wheatgrass now in the final stages of testing, for example, is the result of crossbreeding parent plants from 25 different sites throughout 6 western states and British Columbia.
  • Other Iron Age crops included the more ancient emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccum, which was grown on light soils), bread wheat , oats, rye, peas, Celtic beans, and flax.

Antonyms of ‘گندم

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