Meaning of असंगत in Tamil
- இல்லாதது
- முரண்பாடானது
- சமமற்றது
- பொருந்தாது
- பொருத்தமற்றது
- சீரற்றது
- சீரற்ற முறையில்
- பொருத்தமற்ற
- துணை ஒப்பந்தம்
- உறுதிப்படுத்த முடியாதது
- சமரசம் செய்யப்படவில்லை
Meaning of असंगत in English
English usage of असंगत
- the two attitudes are contradictory
- their sentences were disproportionate to the offenses they had committed
- she declined the offer because it was incompatible with her values
- people say the most stupid, inconsequent things when surprised
- the quality of the material was often inconsistent
- the rules were applied inconsistently
- an irrelevant comment
- Similarly, ‘some unicorns have horns’ and ‘some unicorns do not have horns’ are both regarded as false, and so they are not subcontrary .’
- In this transect, the contact between the Carboniferous strata and the volcanic sequence appears to be an unconformable sedimentary contact.
- unreconciled conflict
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