Meaning of चढ़ाव in Tamil
- தாழ்வுகள்
- குறைவு
- வளர்ச்சி
- வளர்ச்சிகள்
- எழுச்சி
- எழுச்சிகள்
- மேல் நோக்கிய அசைவாட்டம்
- உயர்வு
- உயர்கிறது
Meaning of चढ़ाव in English
English usage of चढ़ाव
- there had been more downs than ups during his years at the company
- the lowing of cattle
- Thus, it could be said that our company's upgrowth in the internal market depends on upgrowth and development of these enterprises including their export abilities.
- Thus, it could be said that our company's upgrowth in the internal market depends on upgrowth and development of these enterprises including their export abilities.
- an upsurge in violent crime
- an upsurge in violent crime
- cigar smoking has been on the upswing
- an upturn in the economy
- an upturn in the economy
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