
Meaning of चिखल in Tamil

  • தெளிவுபடுத்துகிறது
  • க்ளோவர்
  • கலக்க
  • மைர்
  • மூச்சிங்
  • சேறு
  • குழப்பமான
  • முட்டாள்தனம்
  • குழப்பம்
  • குழப்பங்கள்
  • சேற்று
  • சேற்றுத் தலை
  • மண் மீன்
  • மண் மீன்கள்
  • மண் ஓட்டம்
  • மட்பேக்
  • சேற்றுகள்
  • மண் கறை
  • மண் கற்கள்
  • குவளை
  • மக்கரால்
  • சதுப்புநில முதலை
  • முல்லிங்
  • முண்ட்
  • முண்டேஷன்
  • திரும்பத் திரும்ப அடித்து உள்ளிறக்கு
  • கந்தல்

English usage of चिखल

  • she had a great big elephant … that's one of those mickle beasts from Africa
  • he has been left to squirm in a mire of new allegations
  • he didn't want them mooching around all day
  • they are trying to sling mud at me to cover up their defeat
  • she's not a mudder and I don't want to send her around in the wet
  • the linoleum floor was muddied
  • I fear he may have muddled the message
  • I fear he may have muddled the message
  • they changed their muddy boots
  • the linoleum floor was muddied
  • They are later harvested, but fish diversity is reduced as the fishermen's catch is dominated by mudfish , a hardy member of the catfish family that survives in dried-up river- and lakebeds.
  • On June 15, Mount Pinatubo spewed ash 40 km into the air and produced huge ash flows (also called pyroclastic flows) and mudflows that devastated a large area around the volcano.
  • it's difficult to see how any parliamentary opposition would voluntarily give up the opportunity to smear and mudsling
  • The sedimentary lenses are composed of limestone, sandstone, siltstone, mudstone , shale, chert and well-bedded calci-turbidite.
  • They are burglars, dealers, vandals, thugs, muggers , arsonists, a menace to society.
  • They are burglars, dealers, vandals, thugs, muggers , arsonists, a menace to society.
  • the government is mulling an overhaul of outdated insurance laws
  • the cold stone was wet with slime
  • when the hole was tamped to the top, gunpowder was inserted

Antonyms of ‘चिखल

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