Meaning of टुकड़े करना in Tamil
- ஆஃப் சிம்பு
- மாறுபாடு
- மாறுபட்டது
- மாறுபடும்
- வேறுபடுகிறது
Meaning of टुकड़े करना in English
English usage of टुकड़े करना
- experiments found that a beam of electrons could be diffracted like light
- experiments found that a beam of electrons could be diffracted like light
- experiments found that a beam of electrons could be diffracted like light
- experiments found that a beam of electrons could be diffracted like light
Synonyms of ‘टुकड़े करना’
Antonyms of ‘टुकड़े करना’
Articles Related to ‘टुकड़े करना’
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