Meaning of दंगल in Tamil
- வட்டம்
- சுற்றுகள்
- கைகலப்பு
- படுகொலை
- கலவரம்
- கலகம்
Meaning of दंगल in English
English usage of दंगल
- The fourth and fifth landscape types are alpine landscapes, consisting of branching networks of troughs separated by ridges; and cirque landscapes, in which separate cirques are set in an upland massif.
- The fourth and fifth landscape types are alpine landscapes, consisting of branching networks of troughs separated by ridges; and cirque landscapes, in which separate cirques are set in an upland massif.
- several people were hurt in the melee
- students rioted in Paris
- the clashes followed a night of rioting in several parts of the city
- students rioted in Paris
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