Meaning of नकली in Tamil
- கள்ளநோட்டுகள்
- போலிகள்
- சாயல்
- நாக்ஆஃப்ஸ்
- வரை பரிகாசம்
- ஒலிகள்
- உருவகப்படுத்தப்பட்டது
- ஏமாற்றப்பட்ட
- போலி
- தூண்டக்கூடியது
- முரட்டு
- முரட்டுத்தனமாக
- முரட்டுத்தனம்
- ரூக் போன்றது
Meaning of नकली in English
English usage of नकली
- he knew the tapes to be counterfeits
- the woman faked her spouse's signature
- a child learns to speak by imitation
- knockoff merchandise
- With full-size prototypes, mock-ups and models made with sample materials, tactility, texture, tone and technique are expressed.
- With full-size prototypes, mock-ups and models made with sample materials, tactility, texture, tone and technique are expressed.
- a simulated leather handbag
- it is a movie that spoofs other movies
- you are a rogue and an embezzler
- If the inspector finds too many plants with virus, the grower needs to clean up the field by roguing and carrying the diseased plants out of the field.
- there has always been roguery associated with horse dealing
- he led a roguish and uncertain existence
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