
Meaning of फकीर in Tamil

  • இயற்கை கடந்த சக்தி படைத்த துறவி
  • நிறைய போலித்தனத்தையும்
  • ஃபக்கீர்
  • பக்கிர்கள்

Meaning of फकीर in English

English usage of फकीर

  • At the mosque, the marabout (Islamic holy man) and the father give the baby an Arabic name from the Koran.
  • Giving details, the Chairman has asserted that Guru Granth Sahib revered by the Sikhs as a living God, contained verses of 15 Hindu saints and Muslim fakirs .
  • Giving details, the Chairman has asserted that Guru Granth Sahib revered by the Sikhs as a living God, contained verses of 15 Hindu saints and Muslim fakirs .

Synonyms of ‘फकीर

    Antonyms of ‘फकीर

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