
Meaning of फोड़ा in Tamil

  • புண்
  • பிளேன்கள்
  • பிளைன்
  • கொதி
  • மேகப்பிளவை
  • ஃபெஸ்டர்
  • ஃபெஸ்டர்கள்

English usage of फोड़ा

  • one of his priorities as prime minister was to lance the abscess of corruption
  • The dust of books causes blains and hangnails; ingested it provokes dyspepsia, flatulence, and heartburn; in the lungs it is cancerous.
  • The dust of books causes blains and hangnails; ingested it provokes dyspepsia, flatulence, and heartburn; in the lungs it is cancerous.
  • I'll boil up the stock
  • Primary syphilis is most often associated with a single, painless chancre, although it can manifest in other ways (i.e., multiple chancres , painful papules or ulcers, or no lesions).
  • I developed a tropical sore that festered badly
  • I developed a tropical sore that festered badly

Antonyms of ‘फोड़ा

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