
Meaning of बैज in Tamil

  • பேட்ஜ்
  • பேட்ஜிங்
  • பேட்ஜ்கள்
  • ஜெட்டன்
  • ஜெட்டன்கள்

Meaning of बैज in English

English usage of बैज

  • All 215 last-of-line are badged with the distinctive interlocked red ‘R-R’ of the original Rolls-Royce motor cars.
  • All 215 last-of-line are badged with the distinctive interlocked red ‘R-R’ of the original Rolls-Royce motor cars.
  • a Girl Scout badge
  • In France the sculptor Germain Pilon was the first Contrôleur Général des Effigies, designing the royal portraits for medals as well as coins and jettons .
  • In France the sculptor Germain Pilon was the first Contrôleur Général des Effigies, designing the royal portraits for medals as well as coins and jettons .

Antonyms of ‘बैज

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