
Meaning of रियाल in Tamil

  • ரியல்ஸ்
  • ரியால்
  • ரியால்ஸ்

Meaning of रियाल in English

English usage of रियाल

  • Plus, currencies in these markets have strengthened, meaning returns in Hungarian forints or Brazilian reals get a boost when rendered in dollars.
  • Some other ‘royal’ currencies are the real, the rial (Iran, Oman, Yemen), and the riyal - all stemming from Latin regalis.
  • A Tamimi manager says the company pays an average salary of one Saudi riyal a day and grants leave once every two years.
  • A Tamimi manager says the company pays an average salary of one Saudi riyal a day and grants leave once every two years.
  • A Tamimi manager says the company pays an average salary of one Saudi riyal a day and grants leave once every two years.

Antonyms of ‘रियाल

Articles Related to ‘रियाल

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