Meaning of लड़की in Tamil
- குஞ்சு
- சக ஊழியர்கள்
- கேலன்
- பெண்
- இளம்
- லாஸ்
Meaning of लड़की in English
English usage of लड़की
- she's a great-looking chick
- It is ironic that what O'Casey was satirising in some of his later plays, the dancing colleens at the crossroads blessed by big bellied bishops, is what, in effect, is celebrated in that father of all cash cows Riverdance.
- When you think of the situation, you're talking about a pretty huge athlete and a petite young gal .
- What then happens to efforts to increase female literacy and encourage girls to go to school?
- from the juvenilia onward, certain themes were prominent
- he married a lass from Yorkshire
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