Meaning of व्याख्यान in Tamil
- ஒதுக்கீடு
- விரிவுரைகள்
- விரிவுரை
- சொற்பொழிவுகள்
- விரிவுரையாளர்
- சொற்பொழிவு
- திசையன்
Meaning of व्याख्यान in English
English usage of व्याख्यान
- the daily allocutions of the Pontificate
- she was lecturing to her class of eighty students
- she was lecturing to her class of eighty students
- a three-year lectureship in English Literature
- Pericles' famous funeral oration
- Her initial approach involved the provision of a system of one-a-day lections arranged by themes.
- she was lecturing to her class of eighty students
- she was lecturing to her class of eighty students
- a three-year lectureship in English Literature
- she was lecturing to her class of eighty students
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ஒரு புத்தகத்தைப் படியுங்கள்