
Meaning of श्रेष्ठ in Tamil

  • சிறந்தது
  • போன்சர்
  • தரம்
  • ஆணி
  • மிஞ்சும்
  • உயர்ந்தது

Meaning of श्रेष्ठ in English

English usage of श्रेष्ठ

  • the best pitcher in the league
  • And to top off a bonzer week, Amelia has started waking at night again… last night it was 12.30 for an hour's worth of ear piercing screams.
  • nail the edge framing to the wall
  • a picture of surpassing beauty
  • it is superior to every other car on the road

Antonyms of ‘श्रेष्ठ

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