
Meaning of আত্মা in Tamil

  • ஆத்மா
  • ஆன்மா
  • சுய அடையாளத்தை
  • செல்வ்ஸ்
  • ஆத்மார்த்தமான தன்மை
  • ஆன்மாஹீல்
  • ஆத்மார்த்தம்
  • ஆவி

English usage of আত্মা

  • A fundamental message of the film is that we are all connected, just as the Vedas teach that through atman we are all part of the universal soul of Brahman.
  • how does constant losing affect the psyches of young athletes?
  • how does constant losing affect the psyches of young athletes?
  • caring can become the defining characteristic of women's self-identity
  • our alienation from our true selves
  • their interpretation lacked soul
  • we seek a harmony between body and spirit

Antonyms of ‘আত্মা

Articles Related to ‘আত্মা

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