Meaning of উচ্চারণ in Tamil
- உச்சரிப்பு
- கோஷமிட்டனர்
- உச்சரிக்க
- உச்சரிக்கிறது
- உச்சரிப்புகள்
- உச்சரிக்க முடியாத தன்மை
- கூற்றுக்களால்
- உச்சரித்தல்
Meaning of উচ্চারণ in English
English usage of উচ্চারণ
- the accentuation of the Treasury's currency policy
- protesters were chanting slogans
- Gerry pronounced the hero's name “Cahoolin”
- Gerry pronounced the hero's name “Cahoolin”
- similar pronunciations are heard in Brooklyn
- similar pronunciations are heard in Brooklyn
- His bizarre word rhythm and gleeful disregard for punctuation makes even his most banal utterances sound dramatic.
- His bizarre word rhythm and gleeful disregard for punctuation makes even his most banal utterances sound dramatic.
- he uttered an exasperated snort
- he uttered an exasperated snort
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