Meaning of উত্ত্যক্ত করা in Tamil
- கடும் புளிப்பாக்கு
- தூண்டப்பட்டது
- தூண்டில்
- அருவருப்பானது
- தொற்று
- துன்புறுத்தல்
- கோபமுறுத்து
- நர்கிங்
- சவாரி
- ரைலிங்
Meaning of উত্ত্যক্ত করা in English
English usage of উত্ত্যক্ত করা
- the other boys reveled in baiting him about his love of literature
- the other boys reveled in baiting him about his love of literature
- I was disgusted with myself for causing so much misery
- the house is infested with cockroaches
- he was charged with molesting and taking obscene photographs of a ten-year-old boy
- I was narked at being pushed around
- I was narked at being pushed around
- it was his air of knowing all the answers that riled her
- it was his air of knowing all the answers that riled her
Synonyms of ‘উত্ত্যক্ত করা’
Antonyms of ‘উত্ত্যক্ত করা’
Articles Related to ‘উত্ত্যক্ত করা’
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