Meaning of উদ্ভিদ in Tamil
- ஆலை
- சைவ உணவு உணவுகள்
- காய்கறி
- தாவரங்கள்
- சைவம்
- தாவர
- மரங்கள்
- தாவரத்தன்மை
- தாவரவாதம்
- தாவரவாதிகள்
Meaning of উদ্ভিদ in English
English usage of উদ্ভিদ
- she planted a kiss on his cheek
- densely vegetated wetlands
- if she left him there alone, he'd sit in front of the television set and vegetate
- if she left him there alone, he'd sit in front of the television set and vegetate
- the chalk cliffs are mainly sheer with little vegetation
- a vegetative replicating phase
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