
Meaning of কড়ি in Tamil

  • கோவரி
  • பசுக்கள்
  • கோழி
  • எபிஸ்டைல்
  • எபிஸ்டைல்கள்
  • தளகுறுக்குக் கட்டை

English usage of কড়ি

  • We found tiny cowries on the soft corals and red spider crabs on the fans.
  • We found tiny cowries on the soft corals and red spider crabs on the fans.
  • Inscribed with the names of the abbots Daniel and Pachomios (the latter name was partially obscured by the supporting clamp), the epistyle is carved with vegetal and pseudo-kufic ornament common to such architectural dividers.
  • Inscribed with the names of the abbots Daniel and Pachomios (the latter name was partially obscured by the supporting clamp), the epistyle is carved with vegetal and pseudo-kufic ornament common to such architectural dividers.
  • Use plywood walk boards or wooden planks over the ceiling joists for support.

Synonyms of ‘কড়ি

    Antonyms of ‘কড়ি

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