Meaning of গ্রন্থিচু্যত করা in Tamil
- இடமாற்றம்
- ஆடம்பர
- ஆடம்பரங்கள்
Meaning of গ্রন্থিচু্যত করা in English
English usage of গ্রন্থিচু্যত করা
- he dislocated his shoulder in training
- the joint may become fixed into the luxated position
- the joint may become fixed into the luxated position
- the joint may become fixed into the luxated position
Synonyms of ‘গ্রন্থিচু্যত করা’
Antonyms of ‘গ্রন্থিচু্যত করা’
Articles Related to ‘গ্রন্থিচু্যত করা’
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