Meaning of চাকা in Tamil
- டிஸ்காய்டு
- சக்கரம்
- சக்கரங்கள்
- சக்கரப்புழு
- கோதுமை
- வீலபிரேட்டர்
- சக்கர வண்டி
- சக்கர வாகனம்
- சக்கர வாகனங்கள்
- வீலி
- வீலிங்
- வீல்ரேஸ்
- சக்கர தொழிலாளி
- சக்கரம் போன்றது
- வீல்மிங்
Meaning of চাকা in English
English usage of চাকা
- Heads on discoid plants have an extra whorl of disc florets instead of ray florets.
- she had wheedled us into employing her brother
- she had wheedled us into employing her brother
- the sled was wheeled out to the flight deck
- orders are stacked onto wheeled carts
- a huge eighteen-wheeler truck
- a huge eighteen-wheeler truck
- a boy cavorted around on a dirt bike doing wheelies
- a boy cavorted around on a dirt bike doing wheelies
- the sled was wheeled out to the flight deck
- the sled was wheeled out to the flight deck
- For main, if your feeling decadent, why not go for the lobster platter; langoustines, mussels, whelks , oysters all surround the halved lobster on a bed of ice.
- For main, if your feeling decadent, why not go for the lobster platter; langoustines, mussels, whelks , oysters all surround the halved lobster on a bed of ice.
- a swimmer whelmed in a raging storm
- a bitch due to whelp
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