Meaning of ছাদ in Tamil
- உச்சவரம்பு
- லாகுனர்
- கூரை
- கூரைகள்
Meaning of ছাদ in English
English usage of ছাদ
- Hard landscape materials are the walls, floors and ceilings of our outdoor rooms.
- Patients with diabetes are probably more prone to irreversible rather than reversible ischaemic brain damage, and small lacunar infarcts are common.
- the yard had been roughly roofed over with corrugated iron
- The majority are involved in the building trade and include bricklayers, plasterers, roofers , electricians, plumbers and labourers.
- a house with corrugated tin roofing
- a house with corrugated tin roofing
- the yard had been roughly roofed over with corrugated iron
Articles Related to ‘ছাদ’
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