Meaning of ঝকঝকে in Tamil
- பிரகாசமாக
- ஸ்வாகர்
- அட்டவணை
- விருப்பம்
- விம்பெர்ரி
- சிணுங்கு
- ஒரு வகைப் பறவை
- சிணுங்குதல்
- விசித்திரமான
- விசிங்
- துடைத்தது
- துடைப்பம்
- விஸ்கி போன்ற
- விசில்
- அற்பம்
- ஒயிட் கேப்பிங்
- வைட்லோ
- விட்லோஸ்
- விட்ராக்ஸ்
- வெள்ளை
- சீவித்
- வோர்ஷ்
- விபரீதமாக
- வாடி
Meaning of ঝকঝকে in English
English usage of ঝকঝকে
- he swaggered along the corridor
- The film is composed of a series of tableaux , with scenes reminiscent of detailed paintings.
- she bought it on a whim
- There were 29 Hudsonian godwits, several whimbrels , 2 dunlins, greater shearwaters and black tern.
- she bought it on a whim
- the film is an awkward blend of whimsy and moralizing
- the film is an awkward blend of whimsy and moralizing
- the last whit of warmth was drawn off by the setting sun
- Herpetic whitlow is an HSV infection of the fingers and toes and may represent a primary infection or a secondary recurrence of type 1 or 2 HSV infection.
- Herpetic whitlow is an HSV infection of the fingers and toes and may represent a primary infection or a secondary recurrence of type 1 or 2 HSV infection.
- the last whit of warmth was drawn off by the setting sun
- He volleyed as if he was using his racket to whittle wood, slicing this way and that and caressing the ball into submission.
- a sort of whorish pink
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