
Meaning of টিকা in Tamil

  • சிறுகுறிப்பு
  • ஃபுரியோசோ
  • நோய்த்தடுப்பு
  • நோய்த்தடுப்பு மருந்துகள்
  • தடுப்பூசி
  • தடுப்பூசிகள்
  • தடுப்பு மருந்துகள்
  • தடுப்பூசி சிகிச்சை

English usage of টিকা

  • documentation should be annotated with explanatory notes
  • the fourth variation, which is to be played furioso, is especially good
  • the vaccine is used to immunize children against measles
  • the vaccine is used to immunize children against measles
  • a polio immunization campaign
  • the vaccine is used to immunize children against measles
  • inoculation against flu was readily available
  • inoculation against flu was readily available
  • all the children were vaccinated against diphtheria
  • if you think you need a flu vaccination, check with your doctor
  • if you think you need a flu vaccination, check with your doctor
  • there is no vaccine against the virus
  • there is no vaccine against the virus
  • Smallpox vaccine contains live vaccinia virus, a milder cousin of the variola virus.

Antonyms of ‘টিকা

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