
Meaning of টেকসই in Tamil

  • நீடித்த
  • நீண்ட கால
  • வளங்களை
  • குடையாணிகள்
  • நிலையானது
  • நீடித்தது
  • நீடித்தல்
  • நிலையான
  • சாத்தியமான

English usage of টেকসই

  • a durable peace can be achieved
  • long-lasting effects
  • ‘For one, I just went to the hardware store and bought sheet metal, rivets and screws, and bolts and nuts’ he said.
  • sustainable fusion reactions
  • several years of sustained economic growth
  • this thought had sustained him throughout the years
  • the unit will provide maintenance and sustainment operations across many countries
  • the proposed investment was economically viable

Antonyms of ‘টেকসই

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