
Meaning of তন্দ্রা in Tamil

  • சிறு தூக்கம்
  • உலவு
  • சோம்பல்
  • துடைப்பம்
  • தூக்கமும்
  • உறக்கநிலை

English usage of তন্দ্রা

  • he found his mother dozing by the fire
  • he was beginning to drowse in his chair
  • she might have sunk into a lethargy
  • horses which nap should be dealt with by professionals
  • Sleeping Beauty slumbered in her forest castle
  • the children play beach games while the adults snooze in the sun
  • the children play beach games while the adults snooze in the sun

Antonyms of ‘তন্দ্রা

Articles Related to ‘তন্দ্রা

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