Meaning of পচা in Tamil
- ஊழல்
- சிதைவு
- அழுகிய
- அழுகல்
- ரோட்டனர்
- கழிவு
Meaning of পচা in English
English usage of পচা
- there is a continuing fear of firms corrupting politicians in the search for contracts
- dead plant matter can be completely decomposed by microorganisms
- decomposing fungi
- They all in general had putrid gums, the spots and lassitude, with weakness of their knees.
- the chalets were neglected and their woodwork was rotting away
- rotten eggs
- rotten eggs
- rotten eggs
Articles Related to ‘পচা’
எழுத்துக்களின் மூலம் மற்ற வார்த்தைகளைப் பாருங்கள்
ஒரு புத்தகத்தைப் படியுங்கள்