
Meaning of ফেরিত্তয়ালা in Tamil

  • சாப்மேன்
  • சாப்மென்
  • ஹாக்கர்

Meaning of ফেরিত্তয়ালা in English

English usage of ফেরিত্তয়ালা

  • But these books are short - about twenty pages each - and without a spine, so we can call them chapbooks, which once meant works of popular literature sold for a few pennies, carried around by peddlers or ‘ chapmen ’.
  • But these books are short - about twenty pages each - and without a spine, so we can call them chapbooks, which once meant works of popular literature sold for a few pennies, carried around by peddlers or ‘ chapmen ’.
  • hawkers pushed their little handcarts, crying “Bread!”, “Fish!” and “Meat pies!”

Antonyms of ‘ফেরিত্তয়ালা

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