
Meaning of বকজাতীয় পক্ষী in Tamil

  • கசப்பு
  • பிட்டர்ஸ்

Meaning of বকজাতীয় পক্ষী in English

English usage of বকজাতীয় পক্ষী

  • At Laurel Hill, you can spot waders such as herons, egrets, bitterns and glossy ibis, and predators such as ospreys, hawks, falcons and owls, with even the occasional bald eagle.
  • At Laurel Hill, you can spot waders such as herons, egrets, bitterns and glossy ibis, and predators such as ospreys, hawks, falcons and owls, with even the occasional bald eagle.

Synonyms of ‘বকজাতীয় পক্ষী

    Antonyms of ‘বকজাতীয় পক্ষী

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