
Meaning of বেশ্যা in Tamil

  • அழைப்பு பெண்
  • வேசி
  • மங்கிய பழுப்பு நிறமான
  • பரத்தை
  • குயின்ஸ்
  • ஸ்லட்
  • பரத்தையர்
  • விபச்சாரம்
  • வோர்ஹவுஸ்
  • வோர்மாஸ்டர்
  • பரம மாஸ்டர்
  • வோர்மொங்கர்
  • வோர்மொங்கிங்
  • வோர்ஸ்
  • வோர்சன்
  • வோர்சன்ஸ்
  • வோர்

English usage of বেশ্যা

  • Gena Rowlands and Seymour Cassel bring a marvelous emotional depth to their call girl and gigolo characters that belies their objectification by the film's other characters.
  • they diverted their remaining funds into frequenting courtesans
  • they diverted their remaining funds into frequenting courtesans
  • the landscape was drab and gray
  • When choosing red we are not choosing to be strumpets, harlots , hookers, liars, and witches, but rather to wear their totemic color, the shade of Mars as well as that of heartbreak, to see how we look.
  • I'd rush the money over to his moll
  • Catherine is ‘greatest of all sovereigns and whores’ and also a ‘modern Amazon and Queen of queans ’.
  • "People think I'm just a slut having sex on screen but I didn't do it simply to jumpstart my career," she adds in the Express.
  • She is put in the charge of a kind-hearted trull , ‘whose business it was to prepare and break such young Fillies as I was to the mounting-block’.
  • she was forced to whore in order to support herself
  • she was forced to whore in order to support herself
  • he'd accused her of adultery, betrayal, whoredom, and deceit
  • he'd accused her of adultery, betrayal, whoredom, and deceit
  • They were children and young women marked for sale into brothels and whorehouses .
  • During the epidemic his ally, the mayor John Ivie, had claimed that the epidemic was caused by ‘all the drunkards, whoremasters , and lewd fellows’ in the city.
  • He says now he feels like I am treating him like a diseased whoremonger .
  • she was forced to whore in order to support herself
  • you whoreson dog!
  • you whoreson dog!
  • she was forced to whore in order to support herself

Antonyms of ‘বেশ্যা

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