Meaning of মধ্যচ্ছদা in Tamil
- உதரவிதானம்
- உதரவிதானங்கள்
- மிட்ரிஃப்
- மிட்ரிஃப்ஸ்
Meaning of মধ্যচ্ছদা in English
English usage of মধ্যচ্ছদা
- Contraction of the expiratory muscles displaces the abdomen inward and the diaphragm upward into the thorax during exhalation.
- Contraction of the expiratory muscles displaces the abdomen inward and the diaphragm upward into the thorax during exhalation.
- she wore a top that showed her midriff
- she wore a top that showed her midriff
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