
Meaning of যাজক in Tamil

  • பிரதிஷ்டைகள்
  • டீக்கன்
  • டீன்
  • ஆணையாளர்கள்
  • ஆடு மேய்ப்பவர்
  • பாதிரியார்

English usage of যাজক

  • the consecration of this cathedral was a magical event
  • In 1984 he was ordained a Catholic deacon and is currently a member of the pastoral staff at St. Colman Parish.
  • the dean of the law school
  • their clichés were vested with enough emotion to elevate them above the ordinary
  • he continued to study law while pastoring in Chicago
  • the priest celebrated mass at a small altar off the north transept

Antonyms of ‘যাজক

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