
Meaning of লালা in Tamil

  • அபோக்ரின்
  • துளையிடப்பட்டது
  • உமிழ்நீர்
  • அடிமைகள்
  • துப்புதல்

Meaning of লালা in English

English usage of লালা

  • The human body contains two types of sweat glands - apocrine and eccrine.
  • the baby begins to drool, then to cough
  • The total daily flow of saliva from all the salivary glands is around 600 ml.
  • the Labrador was slavering at the mouth
  • Watching him perform, spittle flying from his mouth, veins bulging and neck tendons taut as wires, I hope that performance is catharsis for him.

Antonyms of ‘লালা

Articles Related to ‘লালা

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