
Meaning of সমাধি in Tamil

  • அடக்கம்
  • தாழ்வாரத்தின்
  • சமாதி
  • கல்லறை
  • கால அளவு
  • கல்லறைகள்
  • டோம்போலோ
  • டோம்போலோஸ்
  • டோம்பாய்
  • டோம்பாய்ஷ்

English usage of সমাধি

  • his remains were shipped home for burial
  • his remains were shipped home for burial
  • While their Roman counterparts worshipped in catacombs and underground vaults, the Egyptian Christians built their churches openly and performed their ceremonies in full view of the Empire.
  • He said that for twenty years I had served him well, and that if I did five more years of tapas, religious austerity, I would achieve nirvikalpa samadhi (ultimate meditation).
  • tomes are soon out of print and sepulchered in the dust of libraries
  • tomes are soon out of print and sepulchered in the dust of libraries
  • It is England's oldest borough; Athelstan, the first king of England was initially buried here and his tomb remains in the abbey.
  • The longshore current can carry large amounts of sand along the coast and can form spits (narrow peninsulas of sand), barrier islands and tombolos (narrow sand deposits connecting a near-shore island with the beach).
  • It's still cute for a girl to be a tomboy , but a terrible insult to call a boy a sissy.
  • It is England's oldest borough; Athelstan, the first king of England was initially buried here and his tomb remains in the abbey.

Antonyms of ‘সমাধি

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