
Meaning of সহায়ক in Tamil

  • உதவியாளர்
  • உதவியாளர்கள்
  • துணை
  • உகந்த
  • இணை
  • உதவியாக இருக்கும்
  • துணை நிறுவனங்கள்
  • ஆதரவு

English usage of সহায়ক

  • the managing director and his assistant
  • the managing director and his assistant
  • a nursing auxiliary
  • the harsh lights and cameras were hardly conducive to a relaxed atmosphere
  • A poet may not open up continents but he can make readers join in his solitude and shame, bringing about a kind of church, or ‘pleasure-dome’, of sympathetic conjunct attention.
  • people are friendly and helpful
  • Most public companies have a holding company and subsidiaries .
  • many environmentalists argue that the cause of animal rights is subsidiary to that of protecting the environment
  • the staff are extremely supportive of each other

Antonyms of ‘সহায়ক

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