
Meaning of স্পন্দিত in Tamil

  • படபடப்பு
  • துடிப்பு
  • துடிக்கும்
  • விபிஸ்ட்
  • அதிர்வுகள்
  • அதிர்வு
  • அதிர்வுறும்
  • அதிர்வுற்றது
  • வைப்ரியோனிக்

English usage of স্পন্দিত

  • a couple of butterflies fluttered around the garden
  • blood vessels throb and pulsate
  • blood vessels throb and pulsate
  • Hutcherson was possibly the only vibist around who could survive in the heat generated by such a lineup.
  • the bumblebee vibrated its wings for a few seconds
  • When the pulse is hard, frequent, and vibratile , and the temperature is elevated, bryonia is indicated.
  • the bumblebee vibrated its wings for a few seconds
  • Fortunately an American physician in 1872 came up with the first steam powered massage and vibratory apparatus, which came with a clear warning: ‘Patients should be watched to avoid over manipulation of apparatus’.

Antonyms of ‘স্পন্দিত

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