
Meaning of হাস্যকর in Tamil

  • கேலிக்கூத்து
  • வேடிக்கையானது
  • கோரமான
  • சிரிக்கக்கூடியது
  • நகைப்புக்குரியது
  • நகைச்சுவையாக
  • நகைச்சுவையான தன்மை
  • ராக்டைம்
  • அபத்தமானது
  • அபாயங்கள்

English usage of হাস্যকর

  • a farcical tangle of events
  • the play is hilariously funny
  • his body was grotesquely swollen
  • if it didn't make me so angry it would be laughable
  • it's ludicrous that I have been fined
  • ludicrously, we were kept waiting a further 20 minutes
  • In their dancing, in their minstrelsy and then in ragtime , black Americans were insisting on setting European-style music free by refusing to be restricted to a ground beat.
  • when you realize how ridiculous these scenarios are, you will have to laugh
  • ridiculously, I felt like crying

Antonyms of ‘হাস্যকর

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