
Meaning of અસંતુલન in Tamil

  • ஏற்றத்தாழ்வு
  • நோய்த்தடுப்பு
  • நோய்வாய்ப்பட்டது
  • சமச்சீரின்மை
  • ஏற்றத்தாழ்வுகள்
  • சமநிலை
  • சமநிலைகள்
  • சமநிலையின்மை
  • சமநிலையற்றது
  • இணக்கமின்மை

English usage of અસંતુલન

  • In contrast to equilibrium theories, disequilibrium theories suggest that income differences among regions are likely to persist and even widen over time.
  • In contrast to equilibrium theories, disequilibrium theories suggest that income differences among regions are likely to persist and even widen over time.
  • Possibly the most significative feature of these models is the very basic importance of dissymmetries .
  • tension is generated by the imbalance of power
  • tension is generated by the imbalance of power
  • their high capacity outbalances this defect
  • their high capacity outbalances this defect
  • I managed to wiggle underneath them all, dislodging those on the very top by unbalancing the unsteady column.
  • I managed to wiggle underneath them all, dislodging those on the very top by unbalancing the unsteady column.

Antonyms of ‘અસંતુલન

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